Tuesday, March 27, 2007

She's Such A Card

I got home today to find an envelop waiting for me on the landing up to my third floor. It was from Judy. She got me a gift certificate as a reward for always being so good about paying my rent on time. The gift certificate is for Martha's Vineyard, which sells, among other things, tons and tons of wine and other fine liquors. So, there are two things about this situation that I love (in the wry, ironic way of course). First of all, I love how she obviously recognizes that I'm a good and responsible tenant, yet she will not trust me to make a single temporary change to her house and insists on terrorizing every one of my decorating endeavours, a choice which will ultimately drive me and my timely-rent-paying habits to seek other living arrangements. Second, it's great how the thing that got us off on the wrong foot in the first place last summer was me and some friends coming home a little too noisily due to our alcohol consumption earlier in the evening (no one was drunk...we were just saying "shh!" too loudly as we tiptoed up the stairs as gracefully as we could in the dark), yet now she's giving me free money to spend at the liquor store. HA!


Mr. Blair said...

not to support debauchery, i think this pretty much begs for abuse doesn't it?

S said...

Nice title. "You're such a card" has been my roommate's favorite expression for quite some time. It never grows old--and far too many people are ignorant of its meaning.

I agree with Mr. Blair. Abuse is in order.

Anonymous said...

Anything similar.

Anonymous said...

Excuse, that I interfere, would like to offer other decision.

Anonymous said...
