Sunday, November 05, 2006

Sometimes I think ModPodge is more addicting than crack. My desk looks fabulous, by the way. Decoupage suits it. This weekend I did an astoundingly small amount of school work, however, my kitchen is now complete with a table and chairs, so the dinner parties can begin, as long as no more than three people attend, or guests don't mind eating in shifts.

When I got the table on Friday, I learned that I am (and will probably always be) hopelessly awkward at accepting compliments, especially when they are delivered by young male employees who are outside Linens N Things in their shirtsleeves in forty-degree weather removing pieces of my newly-purchased, fully-assembled furniture so it will fit in my car, commenting on my nose ring, and using words like "devoted". I should have just said "Thank you, Glen," and left it at that.

Also, this weekend I learned that soup is easier to make than pie. As my apartment is turning more into a home and filling up with all of the necessary items, I'm still occasionally surprised to discover that there are so many things I don't have. Like a cheese grater. Last night I had to improvise and tackle a block of parmesan with the veggie peeler (and discovered that I actually prefer peeled cheese to grated). I also missed a perfectly good opportunity to use my garlic press (because the only kitchen gadgets I do have in stock are the semi-obscure ones). Next time will be better, I'm sure.

Oh! And I almost forgot the most exciting part. I crochetted a garlic sleeve last night. I was afraid that I'd forgotten how to do all of those yarny things since it had been so long, and I was worried that I'd have to comission Emily to teach me to knit all over again (for, what, the fourth time now?). But last night I tested my skills and apparently my fingers still remember what to do, even though my brain's a little fuzzy about exactly what's going on down there. So now I have somewhere to put my extra garlic bulbs. And it's cute.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh man, don't even get me started with ModgePodge.... I suggest we have a ModgePodge party that features chocolate cake, Robinette's wine and Newsies.

I closed my xanga account officially for business purposes. The hassle of trying to find a way to include everyone in "protected posting" was a little overwhelming, so I sucked it up and kissed xanga goodbye. Now I need to find a new outlet of writing. I might end up joining the blogspot.
Hey -- let me know when you want to get together with Emily and I to go to Frankenmuth/Shopping.