Wednesday, October 03, 2007

checking in

wow, where did that month go? that's ok, i never really liked september anyway. october is where it's at. i'm just popping in for a minute to report that i finally figured out who my english professor reminds me of. every tuesday night, i sit in class for three hours learning from the doppelganger of sue johanson of the canadian phone-in smash hit 'talk sex with sue johanson.' and it's awesome.

(miscellanea: meredith is coming home this weekend for the heritage hill tour, rockford boutiques, indian food, and general jolliness; we are podcasting next week in english 11 - the web may or may not be ready for this jelly; next weekEND is emily's chicago bachelorette weekend extravaganza; ormond is kind of awful)

and this...

It is with strange malice
That I distort the world.

Ah! that ill humors
Should mask as white girls.
And ah! that Scaramouche
Should have a black barouche.

The sorry verities!
Yet in excess, continual,
There is cure of sorrow.

Permit that if as ghost I come
Among the people burning in me still,
I come as belle design
Of foppish line.

And I, then, toutured for old speech,
A white of wildly woven rings;
I, weeping in a calined heart,
My hands such sharp, imagined things.

-The Weeping Burgher,

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