Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Jolly Indeed

Conquests are fun and silly and I really need to grow up about it already, but really. I mean, we mustn't forget ourselves here. Propriety and details and all of that.

So, Emily and Julie and Kat are coming here soon, and Annie and Jess are also coming here, and there will be fondue and dirty santa and possibly (probably) other dirty things as well. I'm looking forward to it immensely, but when they come, it will be the last fun thing that happens before school rushes back in and sweeps me away (don't even talk to me about New Years - we all know how I feel about that...). I've been terrible this break about counting down the days, and even though there are twelve of them, I'm not enjoying each one completely because in the back of my mind I keep thinking that there's one more day gone and here comes work again and it's awful because why can't I just forget my teacher-self for more than twenty minutes and immerse myself in friends and family and sleeping and cleaning and reading and baking. It just doesn't work. I'm broken. But maybe fondue and the Apartment Six girls will help fix things.

Also, I want to go to Prague. Like now. And Budapest. And Cordoba.

For Christmas (in case anybody was wondering) there was a new teapot that whistles, deluxe scrabble con diccionario, perfume, sweaters, soup bowls, a grill, an itunes gift card, a pasta jar (finally), a 2007 calendar, a white puffy vest, some chocolate, a haircut, assorted other apartment things, and a text message from Zach Tolstyka.

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