Friday, December 15, 2006

Living alone for the first time, I'm slowly discovering things about myself that I never knew before. For instance, this evening I learned that I can carry $65 worth of groceries up two flights of stairs in one trip. (Are you impressed?) I also managed to slice my finger open during the haul in which my grocery-packing prowess was evidenced, and I didn't notice until I saw the smear of blood on my fresh, new box of honey nut cheerios. Gross? Kind of. And I hate band-aided fingers. They're so cumbersome and stiff. I had planned on updating my hair color and making rice crispy treats tonight, but both of those will be noticeably impeded by a bulky digit. Luckily, I can still take out the trash and change the cat litter, so the night isn't a total loss. Oh no! And tomorrow is Christmas Wrapping Cookie Decorating Day. I wonder if I can train myself to tape and frost with my toes in the next twelve hours.

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