Sunday, December 17, 2006

Why don't we use different toothbrushes when we're sick? Doesn't it seem like sticking all those germy bristles in your mouth twice a day would be detrimental to getting well again? Or is toothpaste strong enough to kill the germs? I bring this up because I've been ill this weekend. This is the first cold I've had since getting my nose pierced, and I've got to admit, it's kind of annoying. Good thing I don't get sick very often. This afternoon I'm committed to getting as healthy as possible, so I'm ignoring all of the friends pouring back into town for their ridiculously long college-type vacations and relegating myself to the couch with a glass of Sunny D and a pile of journals to grade. Plus I just discovered that the lovely people at TNT are showing the LotR trilogy all afternoon (and on into the evening...) so it looks like I picked a good day to sloth it up indoors. I just wish it weren't so sunny outside.

1 comment:

A-Ron Hubbard said...

1) You can't make yourself re-sick. They're your germs, and once your imune system discovers their weakness, the germs will be destroyed every time. It's the mutation that'll get you.

I suppose if you had some sort of aggressive bacterial mouth infection you could re-sicken yourself, but that would be gross and I probably wouldn't be your friend anymore.

2) And why did you go with the Sunny D? Soda and Purple Stuff not cutting it for you??